Turntable, Two Arms, Stereo and Mono: Is your system ready for 2 phono???

Thanks to help here, I successfully am set up with big Victor Plinth, 2 arms, mono and stereo ready to go. Love it.

I realized how lucky I was that my old McIntosh preamp has 2 phono inputs, so I just plugged the 2 arms in. (In my enthusiasm I hadn't considered where the 2 tonearms would go).

I see an opportunity to buy another plinth, move my stuff to it, and end up with a second two arm setup fully ready to sell (only reason I would do this: I would end up with no extra holes in my armboards).

QUESTION: I'm wondering how many people who might be interested are likely to be able to hook up 2 phono without buying another phono preamp.

If I supplied an inexpensive pre-amp for the mono arm, then mono could go to any spare line input. This setup with an in-expensive preamp???

Thanks for any insight you can give me,


In my situation i have to connect 4 tonearms on two different turntables to one rack in the middle (with my amps, preamps). 

Connecting two at the same time is a must and i'm happy that with Gold Note PH-10 i can do that. The benefit of Gold Note PH-10 is that each input can be adjusted individually for MM or MC. Basically, it can be two MC or two MM, or MM and MC. This is great! 

Another cool thing is that my Pass Labs ALEPH has 4 line inputs, so i can use many phono stages (at least 3 more). 

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I have a Pass (Xono) which already has inputs for two independent cartridges, another pre phono which has two inputs and two independent outputs adjustable from the front (Camtech) plus another pre phono with single input and output. (Audio Analogue Aria); everything will be connected to the pre line which has many inputs.
Having to manage 6 o 7 turntables in the future with a number of arms ranging from 6 to 12 I find it necessary not to have to go crazy about disconnecting cables continuously.