EAR founder has cancer

Just heard that Tim De P. of EAR fame is ill with cancer. It seems he had colon cancer which was removed but it has now spread to his liver. I wish him the best.
A six year journey for father in law - but with incredible care and amazing insurance, he is still kicking... some amazing advances being made with genetic testing in concert with immunotherapy- yes prayers for Tim, one of the greats :-)
Even IF you don’t own his gear, get a Waterlilly or MoFi recording he helped design the chain for... and better understand his IMO towering contributions 
@three_easy_payments  Agreed.  Don't even bother with the ColoGuard stuff, just do the colonoscopy.
Augmenting jnorris 2005...go get the colonoscopy....
The worst part is the 'night before' prep. *eh*
Just get naked, put on a robe, get a good book or mag, and stay on or near the porcelain throne.... "This, too, shall pass...."*L*
Butt, y'all ought to know all this anyway....

Strong coffee works as a great mouthwash...;)
If it's in his liver, the next big step might be removal and dialysis....

I had a co-worker whose liver went down...he said his 'goodbyes' and moved on....:(  Just didn't want to exist that way...
Greg was a good friend for the while I knew him.

Hope Tim has a better chance, the therapy's have improved a lot since then.... 

I own a TAVR aortic valve....otherwise, this post wouldn't exist...