Strange film on new records.

I have three records in my collection that were purchased new, but have a strange sticky film on them that I cannot seem to be able to clean off. This film appears like it is melted onto the surface. I’ve tried alcohol solution, tergitol, scrubbing, ultrasonic. Each cleaning seems to reduce this film, but it still remains. When I have tried to play them, they gum up the stylus. Does anyone maybe know what this film is, and more importantly, how to clean it off?
mijostyn"Some records have sat for years in stores with bad environments and even though they were not opened humidity will get in."

If they were sealed at the factory then moisture can not enter into the package and reach the record that is what is meant by "sealed."
I forgot to mention. If it is a fungus soaking the records in chlorine bleach and water before using the pressure washer will kill the fungus. 
Why in the world would you turn a pressure washer loose on brand new records?😲😲

Just send them back as defective!
