Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

Suspended by a series of monofilaments attached to eye-hooks in the ceiling is the only way to go.  Tests show no difference in the gauge of fishing-line used.

It also makes vacuuming a breeze.

Many so-called cable mfgs have no clue regarding the science behind cable design (speaker or interconnect) and execution.

We all know that signal is flowing through the cables and that most carpeting can develop an electrostatic charge that can zap us (discharge) when we shuffle across the floor when the weather is cool and humidity is low

SOME mfgs take this into consideration when selecting jacket materials, MANY have no clue.

WireWorld understands and chooses jacketing that does not require lifts

We all know that signal is flowing through the cables and that most carpeting can develop an electrostatic charge that can zap us (discharge) when we shuffle across the floor when the weather is cool and humidity is low.

>>>>Some know, some don’t. What many more don’t know perhaps is that the floor transfers vibration to the cables and power cords. Which is a little weird since a lot of folks are under the impression the signal in wires is vibratory or not influenced by vibration. 😬 Pop Quiz: What does vibration interfere with in cables and cords? Current? Voltage? The audio waveform? The electromagnetic wave? Photons? The vibration problem is why suspending cables is 🔜more effective🔚 than elevating them. You kill two birds with one stone. That’s why Enid Lumley suspended her cables with thread inside her Cable Tunnels.