Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?

I've never built one, or heard them but this kit looks fun as hell, and includes everything you need:


Your magnanimous gesture of encouragement has not gone unnoticed by we audio serfs.

Perhaps you need to understand that you share the same spot in the audio food chain as everyone else on this site.
 two things one I've already own a pass lab amp and the second one is 8 watts you would be severely limited to the speakers that you can hook up to it sorry to be such a drag
@dutchydog  It develops around 16wpc when wired as a bridged or balanced monoblock.
I'm in agreement, for someone that has not built electronic equipment before (myself included), the Kit looks like a lot of fun.
I tend to get confused when people with experience begin talking about upgrades that will increase the level of the builds. I'm in favor of the upgrades but my inexperience makes the upgrades look confusing because I no longer have the step by step directions to follow with the exact parts I need.

Ignore the upgrade discussions then. Make your build, and then see if you feel like tweaking. For instance, the question of the power supply is something you can experiment later. Is the switched mode supply really worse than linear?

Well, in a year you can build a linear power supply and find out. The neat thing about kits like this is that they are yours. Not just you brought them home from the store, but you put it all together and you can take it apart and change things around.

Nothing on earth gives you this level of first hand experience, far better than merely reading.