An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?

One group should not be allowed to monopolize the term above another as their own status symbol. you i and anyone else who likes audio can be considered an audiophile regardless of the size of your bank account. 
...don’t see any entry-level requirements in them there definitions. Anyone?

Somebody here smells like an elitist, maybe even a fascist?

Funny how Americans (and much of the world) have so quickly forgotten the great evils we quashed in WWII and are now so willing, even excited to rekindle those destructive ideologies.

Money does strange things to peoples brains. I think Pink Floyd had a song about it.

"a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction"

Again that sets some level of unmeasured and unmeasurable ’enthusiasm’ as the criteria for being an audiophile. How much enthusiasm does it take brett? Just any little bit? No experience. No components. Heck, you don’t really even see a reference to music there, do you? In fact, it doesn’t even say anything about listening. Great definition.

I also think it is telling that you are now equating wealth with fascism. I suspect ’fascism’ is another term you don’t really grasp. It does not equate to authority or even power by the way.

And here is the ironic thing, you invoke WWII and the fascism that led to it yet you don’t seem to grasp how fascism actually works. Two of its primary tenets and practical applications are 1) labeling groups (as you have just done) in order to villainize and marginalize them and thereby suppress them and 2) limiting the free expression of ideas. The easiest way to do that, and the way historic fascists have done so, is to brand certain types of speech and expression as ’hate speech’ to coin a modern term, or as ’dangerous’. This ends all arguments against the fascist system before they can begin.

So maybe you should read up on how fascism works rather than just branding people with a term you don’t seem to understand...............or better yet, stop branding and labeling people............especially people you don’t know................and large groups with only one single common wealth.

And again the irony and hypocrisy are rich. Every one with more than you are wealthy, greedy fascists. Your material means don’t count against you....unlike those you are somehow superior. Oh the irony!

Any way, I'm off to my country home for a few days to suppress a peasant uprising so I'm done with this thread. As I said, arguing with people who make up their own definitions is fruitless as you and vinny have amply proven.
You forgot to pull "racist" from your PC lexicon.

"I love the poor they taste just like chicken"

Did you read the commonly accepted definitions of Audiophile as defined in the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary and the Cambridge Dictionary? Please try some other web searches to verify.

Now think about your definition and the accepted definitions (not made up by people here). Now who is making up their own definitions and claiming superiority?

And ask yourself which definition is more inclusive. I think inviting people in is ultimately more beneficial to this shared passion and pursuit of ours than excluding, don't you?

Nowhere in my posts have I excluded anyone except in saying that 'music lover' is not a synonym of 'audiophile' (that and that there are a lot of rich idiots out there just looking to add more precious metals to their gear at little or no improvement in listening experience...but i didn't say they were not audiophiles!). 

You can be a filthy rich audiophile, have at it (as you are)! But I also think that if you work for it, educate yourself, learn about excellent vintage gear and search out bargains at garage sales, flea markets, Goodwills, Craigslist and eBay and augment if needed with some wise spending new things here and there, you can and should be considered an EQUAL AUDIOPHILE.

You seem to not agree with this. You believe there is an 'entry level' which is not defined in any definition of the word Audiophile. That sounds rather elitist to me. Fascists are against democracy, they lean towards totalitarian leadership and a 'leadership class' or 'race'. The wealthy in our country are becoming increasingly Fascist, so are the very poor. That's plainly evident. 

Lets give people who are not you a name. Lets call the less financially flexible person Mr. Budget Audiophile. Is Mr. Budget Audiophiles system going to be as technically proficient as yours, probably not. But could his system sound better in his room than yours would in his room to him, probably. Could he be appreciating in his room, on his diminutive system the same things you are appreciating in you musical cathedral, I think so. Could you put together a better system for Mr. Budget Audiophiles' room if money were no object, of course! But if we follow this line of argument to its logical end, we eventually have to build Mr. Budget Audiophile a new listening room, in a new house and build that house on a floating iceberg in the Arctic Circle and float that house on a bed of air, and make sure all the gear levitates along with Mr. No Longer Budget Audiophile during his listening sessions. 

A sense of proportion and perspective is important in the appreciation of anything and having both helps make better people, a better society.

You believe the sheep can't hear the forest for the leaves unless those leaves are made of money.


My values are squarely those upon which this country was founded. 

And I'm totally cool with having worked hard for what I have and what I know.  I make the world a better place every day.

You, your children and/or the children in your family have been entertained by my work.

You are welcome!