Does anyone use wood for vibration control?

What kind of wood have you found to be best?
That was probably one of your more restrained and refined posts!
Cannot see how anybody could have taken umbrage with it.

What a strange path we walk.....
I know, right? It was the very model of restraint. What is the name of all that’s sacred is going on? Am I a pariah? Did MG rat me out? Is there collusion afoot? I cry foul! 

After testing the Springs, Brass Cones, Other selected Cones (other materials) I ended back with the LTR Tuning Blocks on the BP LTR Platform, and this all sits on BP LTR Tuning Rails.

I'm going to let things settle more before I use the Top Tune Canopy. When finished the CDP will have Top and Bottom transfers. This may sound new to some of you but if you want to visit TuneLand you can see pictures.

Listening to some John Klemmer at the moment.

Michael Green

Careful Geoff... We do not need to you to do an impression of one of England's funniest music "stars" 
Buster Bloodvessel .. Yep seriously, lol.

I have a selection of toys to play with along the lines you have described.

I have Myrtle wooden blocks, brass cones, ceramic cones and lamp black glass balls/ footers.

My 2 areas of attack in my mind were my integrated amp and/or cdp.

Which have you found to yield greatest changes of those pair of pieces of equipment?