Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?

The enhancement of music is never a waste for the music lover. These 15 IPS reels that were down-loaded to the computer hard-drive, are quite revealing on lesser systems; the subtle nuances are more apparent on the bedroom system for example.

Music for me is as close to a 24 hour a day thing as I can make it, and of course every day. Where as many evaluate everything from a technical point of view, I evaluate the emotional impact of the music; do I experience "instant recall" in regard to very personal music that I enjoyed at a certain time. Can I travel back to that time?

When the music is reproduced to the the highest level possible, it functions as a time machine, that allows me to sit in my listening chair and travel back to long forgotten events and experience them vividly.

May have to consider a dedicated tube tape pre after all.

As a cheap experiment I purchased a simple tube buffer with 15db of gain max.
I put this inline between Revox and Ayre and besides a healthy boost to signal level ( now pretty much level with CD input level) it have a nice " tube" type of warmth and space feel to the music.

Well worth $28 as an experiment.

Plus you can roll NOS tubes and get more monies worth than you paid. Notice, I stated NOS tubes because they last longer and sound better, you wont regret it.

Have fun.
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Got it Benjie!

Probably not something I am too interested in pursuing right now Tbh.

I am actually quite happy with this little tube buffer, it is doing exactly what i hoped for.

As a bonus ( in my eyes at least) it has tone controls which is very useful to roll off the bass a little on some early recordings.

For my needs I am probably set for now.

Time to shop for some more decent tape though, nearly used all my Ampex up.