Luxman 507uXi vs. Luxman 507uXii

Has anyone directly compared these two? I have been told by a dealer the uXii is superior in every way. As they are phasing out the uXi can it be found at a better price. I would like to get impressions from others. Would love to hear from folks who may have owned both. Not interested in comparison of one of these with another Luxman product. However, if you have comment about a competitive product ie., another circa 100 WPC integrated that you felt competed well, or didn't with a 507uXi or 507uXii, I would be interested in these impressions as well.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster

There is a bit more to that than that. I've had both. Recently sold the 505 and replaced it with 507. The preamp section of the 507uX is better as is the output stage. How much better? Depends on the speaker. Not much of a difference on Aerial 5Ts. Much better bass grip and bass to lower midrange integration on Aerial 7Ts. 507 doubles down into 4ohms. 505 doesn't.
I had noticed the 505 does not double into 4 ohms. I am running 4 ohm 86db efficient speakers so doubling into 4 ohms is an important consideration for me if I go back to SS.
Astelmaszek et. al,
"There is a bit more to that than that. I've had both. Recently sold the 505 and replaced it with 507. The preamp section of the 507uX is better as is the output stage. How much better? Depends on the speaker. Not much of a difference on Aerial 5Ts. Much better bass grip and bass to lower midrange integration on Aerial 7Ts. 507 doubles down into 4ohms. 505 doesn't."

As luck would have it I had a chance to hear the 505uXii with Aerial 5Ts this past weekend. I have to say the sound was impressive. The sound was sweet and effortless. I could live with that combo.

But as luck would also have it I did buy a used 507uXi that popped up on Audiogon a day or two ago. You may not have seen it because I think it was up a matter of minutes before I bought it. Haven't received it yet but I will post impressions later.

Thanks everyone for your comments.
@hoopster Congrats. You'll like it. Sitting here working right now listening to my 507 on Aerial 7Ts/Aerial 5Ts. Nice to have speaker switch depending if I'm at my desk or coding away on the sofa. Aerial's 5Ts and 7Ts are all the speaker I will ever need. Still waiting for a good deal on 6Ts to show up to use for surrounds in my HT. Currently I'm using 5Bs.