Are DAC's overpriced?

External DAC's are pretty expensive imho... BUT I don't know that much on how to choose one. I want mostly cd's in my small two channel system... I am rebuilding after selling my Logans and Mac amp to go back to "drivers"! The Logans wore me out with Maintenance.  Should I buy a new cd player or get a new DAC for my old player?  
The people who develope dacs and digital sources don't agree with you. For me counts the same. It is very easy for us to outperform dac/streamer combo's with our modified Lumin network players and modified power supplies.

We outperform them in a superior level in diversity in sound. In dynamics and also in resolution. Audio is all about the shootout between products.

We create sound by its properties. This makes it very easy to show people what a dac misses. No one will ever be interested in a product what lacks information or is inferior in emotion. We outperform most of all in emotion.

Emotion is the only key to success in audio.

Show me where they lack dynamics or resolution. You obviously have never properly tested yourself to see if you can actually hear what you are claiming. Just like how 24/96 provides no consumer benefits over 16/44.1, yet people claim otherwise.
Audio is all about the shootout of products. They loose layering in sound. Most of all in the middle frequencies. In each shootout we outperform dacs. Based on the fact that we can prove that with modified Lumin players and our modified power supplies together it is so much more analog sounding.

Audio is all about what you can hear and perceive. Diversity in sound is the most important aspect/property of sound. Due to the fact that it has the biggest influence on our emotion. That is why we use this property to the max.

We are a company who have done thousands of tests in audio in over 20 years of time. We spend these days still a lot of time on research and testing. We are extreme perfectionists. In our world, there is one golden rule. Only the best product in each single price range is the only one who counts.

This makes it so much more easy to compete. By doing modifications we create new levels and standards who have no competition at all. For me, audio is outperforming and being superior to all other companies.

We have tested many dacs and digital sources in the last 6 years. Most prove to own a very limited level in layering in sound. You need all the different harmonics in sound to be connected to the music. Unfortunately, many digital dacs and sources are not that good in this part.

We are not talking about personal preferences, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT 100% FACTS. It is very easy to teach people how big the differences are in layering in sound. Each human being will always choose the most intense and emotional sound.

A friend on my does Esoteric in different countries. But he owns a Lumin soon with our modifications. Because in a shootout it overruled the Esoteric on all 8 aspects/properties of sound. Emotion is the key to success in audio.

I started to read about the human emotion regarding sound and music since 2015 a lot. Many modifications we use and create are founded on the parts which influence the human emotion during listening to music.

Audio is all about the shootout of products.
That may be true for you, as a dealer, but I think it's the worst way to evaluate audio products. Many an "impressive sounding" component has been revealed to be colored after long-term listening.
Magazines and website in audio are using paid reviews most of the time. You cannot measure everything. I listened to many amps and sources who had the best measurements. But they all owned a limited level in diversity in sound.

We create sound by Tru-Fi. A 3-dimensional stage is one of the aspects of Tru-Fi. This cannot be measured, but it is very easy to hear it yourself.
Many dacs cannot reveal all the aspects/properties of sound. So we ask clients to bring in their dacs and digital sources.

Then we explain to them which parts are missing when we connected their dacs and sources. And we use the same music (often their own music) again but now with the modified Lumin. It becomes so easy for them to understand directly what they miss.

Most dacs create a 2-dimensional stage. When we compare only this aspect to the huge homographic 3D stage of our modified Lumin players. People often hear for the first time in their life what a 3D stage does with their music. 

The smiles on their faces tells it all. Their euphoric reaction proofs how big the influence is of a 3D stage. Human beings can perceive sound in a 3D stage. But most audio products are still 2D. Many people who contact me miss the emotion in music. So we ask them to bring in their dacs and sources.

When a source can reveal all the aspects/properties of sound it makes clear how limited their incomplete DACS and sources are. It is a lot more easy to create a higher end result when the DAC is inside a source. This is why so many people still use a CD-player. 

People don't understand why their sources lack emotion. But it is very easy to explain, due to the low level in layering in sound.