Chord Hugo power supply help

I just moved and mixed up all of my wall warts...
Several fit the Hugo but I was warned to only use the factory one.  My original power supply never said Chord on it.  Any help identifying the correct one please.  Can I use a different 12volt psu?
RHL bailed me out.  I had 4 but the original one doesnt say Chord on it   he sent me a picture.  Im all set now.  Thanks Everyone.
erik, thanks for the explanation. So you're saying since the R is device dependent and fixed, the V is what limits the amount of I delivered to the device. So technically the specified current is the minimum.

So technically the specified current is the minimum. 

Doh, so close, you had it all right until then. :)

For the wall wart, the A specified is the maximum it will deliver without dropping V, or shutting down or overheating. At or below the A rating, it will provide the voltage rated.

For an electronic device, A is always the maximum drawn during operation.For instance, this Parasound amplifier:
Would have 800 W marked on the chassis, but as you can read in the specs, the standby and idle power are a lot less.

So, to re-word your statement:

So technically the specified current implies the minimum R of the device

Yes, it does. If R is larger, then I will drop.

I totally get Eriks explanation.  However, Chord is finicky and claims that a higher amperage wont help and even may be detrimental.  That is why i was concerned about finding the correct one.  It may be due to the fact that the hugo is battery powered and may have issued sensing the fully charged state?   Not sure but hate to kill my favorite DAC.

So you think the charging current is intended to be limited by the power supply.

That’s an interesting supposition!

Could be. That would be a little too well integrated for my tastes, but evidence of some pretty slick cost savings from the designer.