Snake oil came first. By a likely ~ +50k years

The entire path re professionalism, in all possible ways... is rooted in the thing that came first ---- snake oil. Something that was in play the whole time....of predating ideas on professionalism -----for a likely 50,000 plus years.

To attack the very thing that bought about and formed -hell no, Defines- human intellect?

Study suggests shamans acted as the first professional class in human society
Could be an interesting discussion but I expect degeneration will set in quite soon.
geoffkait, n80,

I abstain from this hearing/perception war but I did see an opportunity to use placebo.

When it comes to physiology, many mention it, it is almost inevitable when talking about humans which listening to music actually is. Sometimes, statements are a bit off, but, so far, I have encountered only one member who is certifiably clueless about it. And arrogant to match it and then some. All be glad he has not started spilling his wit and wisdom on this particular thread. Taking it into perspective, geoffkait sometimes does make a point. Two of you can decide if that is now, but I am just saying "it can get much worse".
No worries, glubson, you were not really in this discussion anyway. You’ll pardon me for saying so but you can barely put two sentences together. So emotional! 😥
Could be an interesting discussion but I expect degeneration will set in quite soon.
Rather, immediately. Despite the OP's valiant efforts to keep it on track, wannabe shamans took it in their direction. 

Everybody wants to rule the world....

All the best,


"...but you can barely put two sentences together."
My consolation is that I am still twice as good as you at that. Or at anything else. Which is not much of a virtue, but at least I am not at the bottom.