Where to Listen and compare

I live 30mi.North of Boston.
There seems to be No Hi Fi shops left other than going to a Best Buy.
Does anyone know of any shops  to go and listen and compare products.
There are so many products how does one choose?

Have you been to Montreal? From March 23rd through the 25th is the Salon audio fest. I've been to it and it's a big show with many manufacturers and dealers where you can listen to as many systems as you can stand until your head spins. So, great exposure.

Even, if there was a hi end audio dealer in your area, you would be limited to what they sell. The food in Montreal is also wonderful. Maybe, a road trip!
Goodwin's high end located right off Rt.128 in Waltham ma. Ask for Paul, tell him Jerry sent you....you will not regret the short drive.
+1 Regarding Goodwin's and Paul.

Lots of good options in the greater Boston area. Make sure you visit Fidelis in NH also.
You have Fidelis in NH, Natural Sound in Framingham, Blink High End in Boston and Goodwins in Waltham.  You are luckier than most to have 4 great stores within a 50 mile radius of you.