Why is modern pop music today so terrible?

All we hear is Lady ga ga
 Lady goo goo
 Lady ga ga
All we hear is Lady ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you!
I prefer Elvis's voice over Mr. Elling though he is wonderful. Elvis's voice and style are original. 
Elvis was ZERO original ,
All he sang was black style and music from Mississippi juke joints .
Elling is force of nature original .
Just don’t pay much attention to the really popular modern music. More good new music still being made out there some live, some recorded, more of it than ever being produced much faster than any of us will ever be able to listen to it. Lots of good or at least fun or enjoyable pop music still being made globally if one seeks it out. A few will still even make it big in the US. Gotta be diligent. There is a lot to weed through but the beautiful flowers and special treats are still and always abundant. Try internet radio stations for a easy and inexpensive way to sample it all, both old and new.
Wow, you are so opinionated here on the Gon. It also seems you know all and are always right. Hard to read your posts and feel your "know it all" attitude at times. This is one such time. I never mix up Elvis’s voice with anyone else. Fact is he has one of THE most recognizable voices in all of music history.

Using your argument I suppose no artist is original in the last 70 years plus. Like the Bible says " there is really nothing new under the sun". However, some artists do take and add to it and then own it!

Elling is great, no doubt. However, anyone listing to him within one album knows many of the influences he mimics. He also has taken, added to, and owns a unique style.