Why is modern pop music today so terrible?

The last time I brought something of this nature up, someone said it was not proper subject matter for this forum, and had it removed.

I am positive they are right; disregard anything I said.

Post removed 
I would dare to say that popular music today is a product, a comodity and as such it was not even created to be an artistic expression.
In the same time the everpresent internet has created even more ways to reach people around the globe, meaning the market for such products has expanded.
More disturbing is that true nature of such deception is not widely recognised among more people

Lacks heart and soul. Additionally, it has no 'message' and is a product.
Excellent examples as above.
I'd say that it depends on what you mean by "pop" music. If you rely on TV and radio (which nobody listens to anymore) to define current "pop" quality, you're going to be depressed. 

But there's still great music out there, you just don't hear it from TV and most radio stations, which all seem to be run by Clear Channel and are just marketing to the lowest common denominator. 

But the guy in the video is basically correct;  they are feeding us recycled nursery rhymes and familiar rhythms in the hopes of tapping our subconscious and triggering sales and clicks. Music that is too original or radical gets defined as something other than "pop" and doesn't get the airtime.

This means you have to hunt for good music, which most of us find in the past. You also.have to realize that we are comparing a very narrow slice of time, now, to all recorded musical history. It's not surprising that "now" doesn't hold up in terms of quality.