Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts
When you are in depths of complete utter poverty and degradation  you and reason are total strangers . In their shoes you, and I, would do the same they do .
Majority of poor are poor because of western colonial sins in the first place

On the richest country, yes we are as a COUNTRY, bottom 50% make less that in several dozen countries
If you measure wealth per capita, the US is not the richest country. Not even close.

If you measure a nation’s wealth by its natural resources, the US is not the wealthiest. (But we’re close.)

If you measure a nation’s wealth by the size and power of its military, we are Number One. Hand's down.
Funny then we lost the Vietnam war and those in Iraq and Afganistan as well.
Best we could do in Korea was a tie which to me is a loss.

Civil War is still in progress , Confederates seem to be winning at this time ,
^^^^^^^^^^^ We are way OT here, schubert, but what you're talking about aren't military failures. They are political failures/problems.
Do tell, I was an Infantryman in Vietnam, we lost because the Generals and
other officers were concerned only with their next promotion so they refused to discipline troops and were all around incompetent .
Somebody had to end their party.
Every officer had the same line, "not much of a war but only one we have " .ha, ha , ha ha .
They did help me one way, I was a poor guy, never thought of college.
I became sure of one thing, if these idiots could do it, I damn sure could and I did .Summa Cum Laude