6922 Tubes!

Hi everyone, There are many old threads about the 6922, I wanted to know what people are using currently that wont break the bank, ( ie...$150 per tube seems a lot). I need to buy 4 new ones for my phono preamp. Should I just order a set of tubes from the manufacturer (Manley Labs) it seems they like to use Electro Harmonics and they are very affordable, so what does a $100 tube do?? because the originals were pretty nice sounding. I just dont want to overspend on tubes for the unit/system im using them in.  Help.

Matt M
Thanks for the suggestion @johnnyb53 , but it took a fair amount of trial and experimentation to settle on a combo that works for me. For TT set-up I'm using the AT150 cart with Audio Horizons TP 8.0 phono pre; and went through quite a few listening sessions with the preamp lid off. That way I could change out tubes in order to do some A/B/A type testing once deciding on a reference point. Were it not for the hassle of finding/packing them up, I'd give those 6N1P's to anyone willing to pay for shipping. As I very often say YMMV.  
I am using Tungsram PCC88 in my Modwright DAC.  It's very musical from top to bottom, great top end, deep bass and gorgeous mid range. You can get platinum grade from Upscale Audio for $50.00.  
FWIW, the Russian equivalent to the 6DJ8/6922 is the 6N23. The 6N1P has the same pinout but is not the same tube.
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