Why do you give bad advice?

Now I'm not talking about different opinions or an honest mistake, but a response that is clearly bad advice. Here's just one example.

Poster states that due to living in a small town and no larger town in a reasonable driving distance, he has no way to audition, so he's looking for helpful advice in considering an upgrade.

Then I see responses like, listen to as many as you can before deciding, take whatever to your local dealer to see how well they match, or find a good brick and mortar dealer to audition.

I see this happening more, so maybe it's just a sign of the times that many don't take the time to read the entire post and only respond to the title.

OK, that's my little rant for the day.
Hey... Neat question. It could seem on it's surface just a rant but I think there are some real underlying issues/answers to this.

Issues with being self-centered: I am a career I.T. person who is also into audio. I realize I'm very self centered and really really like being "right". I have a certain set of skills and experience to work with and if I'm not careful try to make the problem fit my skills and abilities. I see it all the time where an argument starts in an audio or technical forum and gets ugly really fast when offense it taken and/or someone just has GOT to be right. ....or even "I'm wrong, but I'm more right than you!!!"    LOL

Let's face it, it takes a lot of knowledge, experience and insight into another persons preferences to even attempt to answer some of the generic buying questions posed. Most of my friends don't give a rats arse about my "soundstage" or my "CPU utilization". What I'm trying to say is what seems just fine to one of us may be intolerable to another. Subjective.

The reality is I'm really not an authority on a lot of things. I have a small amount of experience in a few things. Mostly I just take it all in and try to better my own understanding. I think a lot of misunderstandings could be avoided by starting out with "This is what I did and here is why...."
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