Your Help with Media Player

I have, let's say, 1TB of music stored on a hard drive; mostly FLAC or WAV. I've been using a Logitech Squeezebox wirelessly to play same but have become frustrated with its unreliability. I'd like to replace it with another very inexpensive devise into which I can plug in the hard drive directly (i.e. not streaming wirelessly or using the computer). Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Cheers, LJ
How do you access your music with the Oppo? From the face, or do you need a monitor?
the oppo looks like very viable, but overkill for me since i don't need its bluray/streaming functions. someone suggested offline something like the western digital wd live media player, which i could connect to my tv and avr, plug in a hard drive and go. could be the tool for the job--anybody used it?
thanks again for the suggestions.
You cannot plug in a hard drive but take a look at the Roku 3 for wireless FLAC streaming.
Sounds like there's either a problem with the wireless network or the computer SqueezeServer is running on. Lots of people here use Squeezeboxes and other music streamers both wireless and wired with no problems.

So, you might want to look into the state of wireless interference in your area (ei, change the channel of the router). The squeezebox could be too far from the router, also. Maybe it's time to upgrade the router. Is the computer running squeezeserver loaded down with processes, crapware, etc? How far is the computer from the router? Is it wired or wireless?

As far as devices that your could replace the Squeezebox with, Auralic is coming out with the Aries Mini that supports both USB and internal Hard drives, DSD, 24/384 audio, Sabre DAC and Femto clock. Are you sitting down? All that for the incredible price of $399! That looks real tasty to me.

Example: Yesterday, I backed up my music library over the network (almost 2TB, wireless), while streaming wirelessly to four squeezeboxes, two Sonos units and a PlayFi device, downloaded a game while my wife was playing online and never had a dropout. Yes, I'm bragging a little.