Just me or do speakers in cell phones sound harsh?

Sorry if this doesn't seem to be the right venue for this topic, but I've been through 3 cell phones I can't use because they literally make my ear hurt. They sound harsh like bad metallic drivers breaking up even at average listening levels. Anyone actually own one that sounds natural and not fatiguing? If this is not the right forum, please direct me to the right one.
One serious reply by Philjolet and rest are bunch of knucklehead jokers. I figured that was going to happen, but very funny in any case. If I can only find an electrostatic cell phone, I would be set. Does Stax make cell phones?

What would you really expect in response to a truly knuckleheaded question?

Given the right forum - say, one pertaining to cell phones, your question would be quite legitimate - nothing knuckleheaded about it....
i re-wired my Iphone using Nordost Vallhalla and i swear it sounds like callers are right in my living room, 3rd row center, with the stock wire, it was like rt rear balcony
Hello? You've got to try the Machina Dynamica Teleportation Tweek. More micro details with silkier highs.