Anyone Totally Content With Their System?

Thought this might be fun. Is anyone out there totally content right now with their system? If so, what is your set-up, total cost and how long did it take you to get to this utopia? I post this in the "Speakers" forum because that is my particular obesession for some reason.
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
Pretty much what Clfcarney says... But to add to that, I think realistically the only way to totally satsify you everytime you flip those switches on, it must be 99% of what you expect to hear in your mind for that specific recording coming out of that system.. Bass too lite, To heavy, too forward, too thin, too blended, all add up to you not being totally content. Its cause your brain is expecting one thing, and that is normally correct, so don't second guess yourself, if its wrong sounding, its just wrong, and not what you expected, and if its not what you expected then in your mind always something will be a miss. If your an audiophile than admit it or not your a perfectionist.

It might be impossible for many to gain that balance in every single type recording, but some systems (very few anyway) seem to somehow magically make even those recordings your tired of mainly because they just never came out how you wanted them to sound, and brings them back to life.

When you can finally say it is not making me think about it you have achieved something. Thats when you get to hear the music again, and stop trying to pinpoint tone your electronics, cause they don't matter, the media your trying to play is all that matters.
This hobby is fueled by discontent. If we were all satisfied the high-end audio industry would dry up and blow away. As it is, it relies on a very small customer base to maintain its faint pulse.
I believe that the people who are content with their systems don't visit Audiogon and certainly don't read these threads. They are playing their Bose Wave systems in the background while they do other things to amuse themselves. Some may even read words on paper.
If any of us were truly content, we would vote ourselves off the island and turn our attention to matters of consequence.
I am content with my system. It allows me to fully appreciate the artist. When all is unmasked, every voice inflection, and turn of the bow is heard.

You said it best!!! I could not have said it better!!
Do you mind...I will copy & paste that on all of
my for sale ads from here on out. :o)
I will have to admit, I am pretty content right with my system after a major overhaul of upgrades.(New Amp, New transport, New Cables) I also have had the time to sit down and listen this holiday which has been nice. But knowing me, this will change.. LOL..

I really enjoyed this thread and the great responses..

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
