Amperex PQ 6922 vs Amperex PQ 7308

I've read the Joe's Tube Lore re: 6922.There was NO mention of PQ 7308.Will these still be the same performers,or is one superior to the other.Thanks!!
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Amperex made a "regular" and a PQ version of the 7308 tube. I have a pair of each. The PQ version seems a little more extended at the frequency extremes, whereas the regular versions are more "midrangey"/"tubey".

Hope that helps.
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There was also a military version of the 7308, no shield or PQ.

That said, if anyone is in need of some white or orange label Amperex 7308 PQ USA made I have a couple pairs I could part with. Also a single D-getter white label holland tube.

I've compared to a bunch of 6DJ8s (which are nice, and a lot more common), both are good but I'd rate the 7308 a fair bit higher.
