BAT vs. Mcintosh?

I currently own a VK-60 amp that I absolutely love but have often been intrigued by Mcintosh products. I will be able to spend about two thousand dollars on my next upgrade & have always considered purchasing another VK-60 but don't really have the room to run two of these massive amps based on the size of my listening area. Would I be better off trying a Mcintosh product, maybe a MA6500 or one of their other amps? I realize my VR4 jr's could use some more power which is why I'm considering the switch to a big Mcintosh solid state. I listen to clasic rock exclusively.
Cylinderking: Don't feel like you are dogging on the McIntosh. You are comparing BATs that cost more than double what the McIntoshes retailed for. I'd certainly hope the BATs are better! Arthur
Theo, et al

I was torn between BAT and Mac as above, but heard the McCormack DNA-500 and now own it. Lots of power and current, but also great presentation - open, detailed with excellent control of the bass - more similar to BAT than Mac, but less $$$ than either. Also runs cooler than the BAT and will actually fit into a rack. Finally hearing what my Legacy Whispers can do.
Heard BAT and Mac solid state, as mentioned above, and liked the BAT better. Then I heard the McCormack fully balanced DNA-500 and that's what I purchased. IMHO it has the best characteristics of both at a better value than either. Was a little leery given all the glowing reports, but in my system, it works great and throws less heat than the Big BAT. Current output is actually similar to the BAT and wattage is higher (500w/900w into 4 ohms), which my Whisper speakers crave. They have come alive!! Now the Preamp/tuner search begins......... (it just never ends, does it?)

I'm about to add a paire of JR's to my system. Actually, replace with.... I've got all BAT power. VK5i, VK500 W/BP. I'm pretty sure given the fact the speakers I'm replacing are the same efficency as the JR's things should be not too suprising.... Classic rock exclusively on tube gear? Amazing.... I listen to all types of music, save hip hop & rap. this point with the intro of the JR's I'm looking to add foucus and more bottm end tightness...if the soundstage improves any at all in width, ht, or depth, I'll just go next door and listen to it.... I'm totally satisfied with the BAT sound. For me it has everything I want. ..and with what I've heard the the JR's being capable of I'vm very much looking forward to getting them pluged in.... about my only concern is the addition shortly of a sub to replace my old thumper... I like the bottom end and mid... as BAT stuff goes if I were to upgrade at all only the 600 interests me. or the 600SE. That's it. I've for me found the secret in everything starts with the pre, and source. Better that, and things get better in a hurry.... just like when I added the PQ US 7308 WHITES along with the Tungsols 5881. magic. Absolutely remarkable.... and all this on a pair of Phase TECHnology PC 10.5's about 8 - 9 years old.... so consequently adding the JR'S has me a bit excited.... I do wish you well and as for the Mac thing.... I heard all but the tube amps they offer... although, just on Paradigm & Mac speakers..... Taht MC 602 is no slouch. but until you get to it, nothing reallly jumped out at me... didn't hear the mono's. I bought my vk500 strickly on say so.... never heard it... it actually came down to teh mc352/mc402, or vk500/ vk200 x 2.... well you know what I have, and how pleased I am with it... and actually if I got the notion or input from a few folks that said the JRS' or about anything else would be drammatically improved by howizontally biamping with a apir of vk500's .... well guess what I'd start looking at doing...?

in BAT SS the control, body, openess, and detail come acrosss as liquidly coherent.... it'd take a lot to get me to move off BAT...