CJ premier 8 - please share your comments

Hi - I am evaluating/listening a pair of CJ Premier 8 at home this weekend (dealer is sellinfga his demo pair).

I am not familiar with the CJ line (never had any amp/preamp from them before). I will kindly appreciate your valuable experience/insight regarding this amps. (please check my system description)

I must decide if I am keeping them or not next Monday !!!

6550 tubes:

Other guys at Aa told me that the best option would be a 6550 fying c tube from Svetlana (St. Peteesburg plant), since the regular svetlanas are really sovtecks relabled from the US importer. (????).

The said that the GE valves are not good at the frequency extremes, and the Tungs are the best but pricey.

Any comments?

Deal is almost closed! Iam keeping the CJ Premier 8 and trading in my good PASS X250, The CJ is inanother league in terms of musicality, mated great with the Eclipses and... well.. I liked it a lot.

Thanks for your feedback folks, helped me a lot.

You are doing the right thing. I had a listen to PASS X350 and the prem8a's were better in every respect except the pass was quieter.
Thanks for the update, Fernando. Congratulations! And welcome to the land of tubes! (I would have nothing else in my system for exactly the reason you mention: musicality. Tubes continue to do for me what solid state just cannot begin to touch.)