Finger Print Removal on Aluminum Faceplates

I have a amp in perfect condition with the minor exception that it does get some finger print "oil" marks on the front mounted power switch. Does anyone have any suggestions for cleaning aluminum faceplates of finger print marks. In particular, I have other units that only have silkscreen labeling on the faceplate. So consideration of the not extremely durable silkscreening needs to be taken into account. Any help appreciated.
I have used rubbing alcohol with good results, though I'm not sure that this wouldn't be harmful for some surfaces.
I have used a soft cloth or paper towel moistened with Windex for thirty five years.....with no problems. John
I like Windex if I don't want the piece shiny or Pledge if I do.....Normally like Windex better....
I also find Windex does a great job on most audio and video equipment. Just be sure you spray it on a soft 100% cotton cloth - an old cottom t-shirt does fine - and clean away. There are also some new microfiber cleaning cloths on the market now; and they might be a good choice to use with windex also.