Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide

OK, here's the deal: It's pronounced "Zikes'mn", not "Zakes-man" (accent on the first syllable with a long "i" and silent "a", the second syllable with a schwa "a"). Preferred 'nick-username' is Zaikes (rhymes with 'yikes').

Anybody else out there with a username having ambiguous/obscure correct pronunciation (you know who you are), here's your big chance to set us all straight!

(And the rest of you stop snickering :-)

Showing 3 responses by unclejeff

I have neices and nephews living on either side of me.

So, as I am used to responding to this from all family members---child and adult alike---y'all can call me 'Unclejeff', too.
Hey Sean, glad to see you around! You had us a bit worried a while ago when you announced your last post in some obscure thread.

Not true about there not being anything good to eat in England.

They have good breakfasts and Indian Food.