Would a power conditioner stop a 60 cycle hum ?

........had an electrician stop by to see if i can get rid of a 60 cycle/ 120 cycle hum .......all outlets would need to be run off one leg into the box and grounded with a dedicated outlet to stop the noie that I have. The problem is .....the walls and celiing would need to be cut in order to connect the runs and be able to run the one line to the circuit box......that's not going to happen and that will cost a buck or two ....so would good power conditioner with all my power cords plugged into it- and then that one line that does go to the circuit box posibly clear this issue up ....need had a ground lop hum ....what a pain in the rear !!!! Thank you in advance

Showing 2 responses by garebear

...thanks everyone but what the hell is a Hum X from Ebtech. The system is on a seperate circuit that my cable TV, I worked with an electrician who moved the ground wire of the cable to a difeerent part of the circuit box......did not work.
Hello Jea48 ......so just disconnect the cable box that's on my TV.....will do and let you know