Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil?

Hi, I have read that putting some sort of woood blocks underneath components helps in the sound. In particular, I believe Ayre actually suggests doing this. Can anyone explain to me how this helps?

Showing 7 responses by herman

OK, that's enough already. You've taken a perfectly good thread and turned it into something I woodn't ever want to visit again.
OH NO!!! Don't go to Home Depot. The scrap lumber at Lowes is much more musical.

Seriously, pretty much anything under your stuff will make it sound different. I agree to try the cheap tweaks like tennis balls, scrap wood, super balls, sandwich bags with sand in them, etc. before spending any serious money to see if it makes any difference to you.
Hmmmmm, wood resonates but everything resonates at some frequency.

Do a little searching and you will see that this topic (drain it? damp it?) has been debated endlessly.
Well there you are. The matter is finally settled.

I guess all of you who thought you heard a difference are feeling pretty silly right about now.
To all non believers;

If you tap an electronic component, circuit board, tube, etc. it will be amplified and you can hear this come through the speaker. This is not open to debate, it is a fact that can be easily demonstrated. Some tubes are so susceptible to this that just speaking loudly near the tube can be heard through the speakers, but all components are affected to some degree.

If the vibration induced in the component by tapping is audible, isn't it logical that any other induced vibrations such as those being fed back from the speakers would also be audible? If I change how my equipment vibrates by damping it or some other means shouldn't this also be audible?

This phenomenon is firmly rooted in the scientific principles of basic physics, not snake oil.
There are so called "magnetic isolation" tables but that is also bunk. Think of two boards, one above the other with opposing magnets on the corners. Without some type of mechanical connection to contain the sides of the top board, it will shoot off to the side. Also, it's not floating on air like a magic carpet, the magnet below is pushing up just like if the board on top was sitting on some type of foot holding it up. If the magnet below is vibrating that will be passed to the one above.
Excellent point Newbee, I will begin design on a moon shield immediately :>)