Why were 291 responses removed about Rap?

I do not care for rap.  It is not music.  I abhor unbridled censorship.  Why were 291 posts systematically removed,  then the post deleted by moderators?   I did have a serious reply, followed by two tamer ones. This is not about me.

Showing 4 responses by whipsaw

It says that misogyny in rap is increasing, loosely what millercarbon suggested and what rap-defenders deny. If that is correct (for a moment, forget about the methodology used in the study), millercarbon may be owed an apology by rap supporters. And, for once, some research would support his views.
Apologist nonsense. MC repeatedly argued that ALL rap is profane and misogynist, etc., claiming that he could find no exceptions, and challenging others to do so. Then, when examples were produced, he left the discussion, rather than having the courage to admit that he had been wrong.

There is no "research" supporting his views.
Racism and a lack of self-awareness go hand-in-hand, and typically mirror one another in terms of extremity.
Banks arent to blame today, lack of supply and lack of sellers are

This is not true. The Fed, coupled with government policies greatly favoring banks (and the wealthy), absolutely are responsible. Supply and demand is artificial, not organic. This all stems back to Greenspan's policies which catalyzed the last housing bubble, and the response to the '08 crisis.

Inflation is now becoming a factor as well. You can't continue to create trillions of dollars out of thin air and expect there to be no consequences. 

I agree that this is not the place to debate the issue, but your response suffers from straw men. No one said that they wanted "no inflation", nor did anyone suggest that banks were "forcing housing loans on poor". Etc.

Official government statistics on inflation are a joke. Look at the spiraling costs of health care and home ownership in the U.S. Do you think that they are somehow positive? 

Suppressing interest rates, as the Fed has done over 20 years now, is a disastrous policy. Not only does it essentially force savers into risk assets, where they are typically burned when the Fed-blown bubbles burst, but, as you no doubt know, it masks risk to an insane degree. Of course other Central Banks have joined in, but we are now arguably at the apex of the biggest credit/debt bubble in human history. They are trapped. They can't "normalize" rates. In fact, they barely raise them above zero without blowing up the market bubble for which they themselves are responsible. The staggering debts can never be repaid, except through hyperinflation. What do you imagine will happen when the bubble bursts in earnest? I would argue that it has already burst, but that the trillions created to prop up markets have masked the fact.

Anyhow, probably best to stick to a topic that we can all agree on, like the merits of rap music.