Why use a super accurate cartridge protractor

In discussions about cartridge setup, there are those who say that unless one has a cartridge setup protractor like the Mint, Wally Tractor, Dennesen, etc. one cannot expect to extract maximum performance from your rig. Then there are those that say that even the best alignment tool still only nets you a position that needs further tweaking by ear. In my case, I've used a Dennesen and a number of downloadable free protractors and have been able to get good results with the free downloads if I took my time to make those little .5mm shifts that make sound pop into best focus. Is the superiority of a Mint or a Wally Tractor because one doesn't have to make those final last tiny adjustments? Is it that the mirror surface is easier on the eyes?

Showing 4 responses by tobes

The advantage of the Mint over a downloadable arc or two point protractor is its precision.

The drawn arc and null points of the Mint are very fine indeed and the flat mirrored surface allows you to adjust accurately to these lines (and of course the mirrored surface and guidelines at the null points assist in avoiding parallax errors).

But it will not save you from making those tiny adjustments - these are what the Mint is all about! You must make these micro adjustments to avail yourself of the Mint's precision. The precision possible with the Mint is much better than 0.5mm - Magnification is a must!
Like the designer, I recommend strong natural light if you can avail yourself of it.
Thanks John, very informative explanation.

One wonders why SME couldn't provide something similar(?).

At least SME provide some detailed specifications with their arms (it's strange that some other designers don't make these details readily available).

However, as you say in your article, SME's specification of pivot to stylus (to a hundredth of a mm) is silly and misleading given the arms design.

Cheers - Paul
That's easy with a mirrored protractor like the MintLp.
There are (thicker) perpendicular lines on the arc at the two null points.

Using a magnifier - and with the stylus resting precisely on the marked null point - align so the cantilever is parallel in-between the two guidlines when the latter are aligned with their mirrored reflection (thus accounting for parallax error).
08-23-11: John_gordon
But importantly, it should be a TWO point protractor, not an arc, as you will have to make adjustments at the arm base rather than the headshell.

Yes, I was forgetting that the SME has no adjustability to maintain a fixed pivot to stylus distance (for cartridges that vary with their mount to stylus distance).
A strange decision IMO....I'm dubious about the rigidity argument. Other manufacturers seem to get excellent results with slotted headshells.

The Mint would work, but only if ordered for effective length when used with a specific cartridge (and other cartridges that conform to the same spec).