Why Expensive power Cables when Romex behind Wall?

Could somebody please help me to shed light on this?
Is there any reason I should invest in expensive power cables when there's low grade cable between my outlet and the wall? I've upgraded most other components in my systems, but I'm just not sure that spending several hundred dollars for power cables makes sense, when the cable running from my outlet to the wall costs less than $.10 per foot. Can anyone shed light on this?


Showing 1 response by whatjd

The logic of some above would make the use of fuel filters in
the car you drive.....well, stupid....ie: the gas you get is
so dirty..why try to clean it.

Or...the fruits, etc., you buy travel so many miles...why
wash them before you eat them?

Listen up guys........saying the cables you use in the last
link of the chain doesn't matter is like saying that the
signal broadcast by your local FM station is all there is..and that there is no difference in tuners......

Any link in a chain can be improved...and part of the high-
end is the fine tuning... This is what high-end wines, cars
and many other "things" in life are all about, that last
% of performance....without this pursuit by some very, very
good people..we could all be loving the sound of our 8-track