Which Beethoven's symphony do you like the best?

And Why?

I have asked this question to many. The answer is always inconclusive. So I think I will try this here. Thank you in advance for responding.

Also, it would be interesting to know which composition do you like the best?

Showing 1 response by tonyheea30

Eldartford, Beethoven's Symphonies overrated?!! LOL...it's like if you told a jazz expert/lover Kind of Blue is overrated. haha

Kkursula, you said "Beethoven was great, but was depressed most of his life for not "being" Mozart"...quite interesting YOUR theory, I have never seen this in any of Beethoven's biographies I've read.

3rd symphony (1st,2nd and 4th movements), 5th symphony (1st and 4th movements), 6th symphony (1st, 2nd and 5th movements), 7th symphony (the whole symphony), 8th symphony (the whole symphony) and 9th symphony (the whole symphony!!!). What can I say...AMAZING MUSIC!

Happy listening.