Which amplifier should i buy

Iv'e already asked , quite similar question , but i would like to clarify my question. So , Iv'e ordered a new speakers, Magico A3 and now i want to buy an amplifier, a tube amplifier. The amount of money that i can allow myself is up to 20,000$. The possibilities that i thought about are : zesto eror 300 / vtl MB -450 series ||| signature / vac phi 170 (two - i mean transform it monobloc) . Those are the options that i thought about till now. Does anyone can recommend which is the best option in this amount of money , it doesn't have to be from the option list that i mentioned.Unfortunately  there are brands that i can not buy in my country (ISR) , for example cat....
Thanks to anyone . 
I can say that a magico is a hard load to drive and an acoustic suspension speaker so a tube amp is not a good option unless it has 2 ohm taps and high power and current which means large mono blocks like the vtl mentioned i would opt for a vintage high current solid state amp the low end and tonality will be much better with one than tubes and the maintenance costs will be a whole lot less.
Wow, I've listened to the M6 in Jay (Jay's audio lab)  channel it was great sound . I was amazed . Thanks for the tip :)
Thanks man, i promise i will give him a call or write to him. Thanks for the advise
Thanks to anyone especially to those i still didn't answer. You gave me a lot of suggestions. I will by my amp soon !:)
Those new Merrill Mono blocks with the Gan tech are getting great reviews. I think they have an INT available. Call Merrill. Smart guy.
in NY or NJ.