Where to put 4 tubes on a 6 tube preamp?

I just picked up 4 really nice Amperex 6922 tubes for my 6 tube Sonic Frontiers line 1. I was wondering were to put them (and use the stock Sovtek for the other 2 inputs)?
Is this a good idea? or should I just pick-up two more Amperex tubes. I've heard it mentioned that you really only need two good tubes and that the other inputs are for bias control, but can't find any real info on this.

Showing 1 response by kirkus

It depends on the circuit design where the most influential place to put them is. Chris Johnson (founder and former president of Sonic Frontiers) now runs The Parts Connexion, and has always been very helpful with all things SFI-related . . . you might give him an email.