When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?

Of course I know my own story, so I'm more curious about yours.  You can be as succinct as two bullets or write a tome.  

Showing 1 response by kennythekey

Back in 1985?, when I was still impulsive and purchased the first available CD player, there were two brands, a Kyocera that sounded like mud. The best thing that digital purchase did for me was kill my impulsive nature, instead of accelerate it like it can. Of course, digital has come a long way, but like others have stated, has never given me that toe-taping emotional involvement. I still get bored with it after awhile. Recently, I moved out my digital front end off my rack and over to my other system. When the software, network, NAS, DAC, USB to SPDIF Converter, whatever, start to misbehave, I can find nothing so inconvenient and frustrating when I just want to listen to my music. How easy it is just to plop on a record and enjoy. I also enjoy, getting up and flipping over the LP, but realize I can't walk away and listen to it like Muzak. Digital has it beat there, but I also have a radio for that. I do understand how so many find the sound of digital to be excellent, but it's not the sound I prefer.