What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?

I realize opinions may vary, but if I could give an example of two CD players perhaps someone can give me their thoughts on the cost benefits of either one? What would be the difference in your opinion between say a Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD Player and the Gryphon Scorpio S CD Player? And are the difference truly audible or more technical and rather indiscernible through human hearing?

In general, what makes a CD player (other than build components) 10x more costly than a decently built one other than features?

Showing 2 responses by ahofer

This doesn't make sense. Just because there are examples of components built from high quality parts that are "inaccurate at best" certainly doesn't mean that all components built using high quality result in inaccurate performance. Indeed, the use of high quality parts often does result in improved performance.

I never made the assertion that ALL components built with high quality parts resulted in inaccurate performance,  as you can see clearly in the quote you excerpted from my post and apparently concede with your use of "some". 

When you add up the differences in drive quality, analog output stage quality, digital output stage design you can start to understand that there are very large and audible differences between CD players, amplifiers, dacs, loudspeakers etc.

The "large and audible" part does not logically follow, and assumes far too much integrity on the part of the industry.  There is plenty of stuff built from high quality parts that is inaccurate at best, and still more where the high quality parts do nothing *audibly different* (need I point out this has been replicated hundreds of times with a wide variety of equipment?).  Sometimes the allegedly high quality build doesn't even *last* longer.  Otherwise we could just budget more money, buy without listening or specifications, and have a better system.  Many manufacturers are selling you status, bling, and manufactured flattery, not audible or important differences, IMO.

I believe if it were possible to scatter plot price vs sound quality, you would get a blob of points through which you might be able to fit an upwards-sloping curve (with decreasing slope and a low R^2), and you would get a handful of high-priced points  as low in sound quality as many of the very low-priced points.