What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?

This hobby of ours is extremely rewarding, but can also be very expensive. I don't mind paying the big bucks (if I can afford it) for better sound. But many companies out there take advantage of us poor bastards and sell us snake oil equipment at exorbitant prices. Well...This is your chance to share with other Audiogonners.

This is your chance to GET EVEN :-)

Showing 1 response by zydecosamtubes

  In early 1983 I bought my first cd player, a Fisher that my home furnishing friend from down the street was all excited about. I brought it home, hooked it up, and slipped in my very first purchesed cd. What I got was a loude harsh static noise, and green light flooding out from the place that I had just inserted my cd.I took it back to the store, and they wanted to send it off some place to get it repaired. They were also quite unhappy with me when I stated that after only having the unit for less than an hour, I should unreasonably demand a full refund....I got my money back and then bought a Sony.