What’s the benefit of placing speakers like this? (diagonally at the corner)


I am curious about the speaker placement.
(I try to upload a picture.... not working well...)

Here’s the link to Positive-feedback website containing the photo of speakers.


Let’s say this is the corner of the square shape room.

| [amp]
| (Empty) (Empty) [Sp2]
| [Sp 1]

(Facing toward the other side of corner)

Amp is placed at the corner of the room. (Diagonally)

Then Speaker 1 (Sp1) and Speaker 2 (Sp2) are placed diagonally too.

Amp and speakers face toward the other corner of the room.

I think this this is V.Rossi’s Audio show room picture from 2019 with QLN prestige 3 speakers.

What is the benefit of this kind of placement?

Showing 1 response by hornguys

The primary reason is much smoother bass as the standing waves are not allowed to multiply as much as in a rectangular or square room.
Jim Smith