What Is This Hobby?

I frequently see in this forum references to "this hobby" and I'm always a little confused by the phrase. What exactly is this hobby?

Showing 3 responses by orpheus10

Onhwy61, first I want to apologize for such a long time span between your question and my answer. I was obsessed with critical listening. Now I realize that was foolish. Imagine a plane that overshoots the runway by 10 miles. I should have stopped a long time ago and listened exclusively to the music.
Judging from the posts, "Audiophiles" can be divided into two groups; equipment lovers and music lovers. By necessity, we all have to begin as "equipment lovers"; there is no other way to get the sound up to the very high level that audiophiles demand. I am a music lover, and I have ceased that never ending quest for the ultimate "audio high"