What is the Sound of Impedence Mismatch?

As I understand it, you want your power amplifier to have an input impendence much higher than the output impedence of your preamp, at least 10x. Can anyone tell me what the sonic symptoms are of a mismatch? If I'm hovering around 10x, what might I hear that would indicate an impedence mismatch as opposed to, say, a preamp that is simply too bright or whatever?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin

Showing 4 responses by unsound

May I suggest you look up the thread: How to match ohms with amps & preamps
Drubin, It appears as though you have a poor match. I hate to confuse you any more but your cables can effect this equation as well. Would you mind posting the rest of your system?
Drubin, don't feel bad I misspelled the name of the item I have up for auction, twice! Then spelled the word in the manufacturers name correctly in the text. Talk about embarrassing.