What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

With my Argent Room Lenses I can focus and steer the sound stage energy at my chair and all the way across my 21 ft wide room and down the side walls if I want.
I more than suspect the Hallograms will do the same or even more.  Very cool  I'm sure. Tom
Maybe millercarbon or mahgister will take them off our hands.

By the way dont assimilate my way with someone else, anybody, to ridicule me and dont speak using my name in my back out of an answer to some precise post by myself....I will NEVER use your name out of an answer to you for the sake of ridiculizing you, like you in your last post ....Imitate me, it is called elementary politeness...

My answer now:

Some think that a 10,000 dollars equalizer is vastly superior to my few bucks embeddings controls devices...

They ridicule my listenings experiments and devices and called them pejoratively "tweaks", forgetting i created them myself or bought only the more low cost electronic pieces, Schuman Generators at 10 bucks for example, and modifying them for my needs...I never bought or recommend branded name and ready made products... I only recommend CREATIVITY....

They laugh at me.....Without knowing for example the limitations of their ready made, without the human ears, pricely electronic equalizer solutions...They are useful yes, BUT only stay, whatever some can say, limited and partial solutions...

Where you put the mic, that is where the measure is taken...And how do you measure with a microphone the very audible effects of a Schuman Generator or a ionizer? And how do you manage it for many simultaneous listenings locations in your room? My ears can at no cost....The difference is that you dont know that your ears can also like mine do the job, but you are able to pay for a ready made solution, i am not, i then use my ears like a compass....

This people with their 10,000 bucks products smile at one guy who transform totally his room for peanuts...

Who is ridiculous then ?

The one who tried before using his mouth or the one who dogmatically affirm something about a device he will never listen to before giving a judgement?

I cannot be accused of selling costly tweaks, i replicate them at the price of a few peanuts jars... And i know WHY and HOW these costly device may work by my own experiments...I never recommended to someone COSTLY ready made product like you Mijostyn your E.Q. device...And i dont attack people either with laws of science or not....E.Q. costly device or costly "tweaks" it is the same thing for me...My road is peanuts costs HI-FI....

An Example now:

Few years ago i read about the Bybee room enhancer costing many thousands dollars... The fabrication of this device is secret but there is a description where they say it is made with some crystals and probably some battery etc...

I replicate that myself with success.... It is not the same thing, but the increase in S.Q. for peanuts versus many thousand dollars for the Bybee were enough to convince me... And so was my listenings experiments story for some years with many other retro engineer simple devices...

Another example: my "golden plate" cost peanuts and replace very more costly products very well known that cost many thousand dollars...I NEVER BOUGHT ONE....

Who is ridiculous me or those speaking about "tweaks" they never replicate or never listen to? Because their audio system cost 50,000 bucks in some case how in the hell can they justify the S.Q. increase of cardboard paper and aluminium paper glued at the right spot? 😁

It does not matter if a "tweaks" work or not in our system or for ourself, or even if it does not work at all, the fool is not someone who make a wrong decision; the fool expresses himself without any experience of what he is talking about and call it a law of acoustic or anything else...Acoustical art and science has limitations for which the human ears dont give a dam....

The only problem with most tweaks, it is not they dont work, most work in the right condition to some level, it is their high price that is the "problem", their ratio S.Q. increase/ price..

A device who does not work at all will take no or very few flying reviews in any market....Save a miraculous sums of reviewrs lies....That is not the rule sorry... Only exception...A pile of bullshit will never give you big money, a few bucks perhaps, except in some western movie with a witch doctor selling you his"snake oil" for a few dollars.....

I will keep my peanuts costs efficient device and i will laugh the last laugh at those credulous technological fads who think they are right by virtue of advanced technology and who trust more a device than their own ears in a room created for their ears...

A n equalizer is only a tool, not a complete solution of the acoustical settings of a room at all...

I dont need it now, because for the price paid the improvement will be marginal...

If the piano is in the room and the sound dont come of the speakers at all, in not one, but 2 different positions of listenings, with natural timbre, no need for a costly small increase of S.Q.

« Ignorance is precisely what you think you know or see, you can call it at best the blind spot, or at worst, a pair of blinders»- Anonymus Smith after consulting his ophtalmologist
Giant leather ear attachments - Back in the 1980's or 90's I saw a hilarious product that even though they looked absolutely absurd, they actually made perfectly good sense. The product was a pair of large & I mean LARGE leather ear-shaped attachments which were advertised to provide additional surface area with which to capture more sound waves. It makes perfectly good sense & many wild animals have unusually large ears for that very purpose. I should have bought a pair at least for laughs. How many of us have cupped our ears with our palms to achieve the very same thing. LOL, LOL.
“If his products don’t work for you then look to your system, or maybe your hearing is not capable, but his products work well”

No, not even close, loathsome reply.  It could just as easily be true, in fact much more plausible from a Bayesian point of view,  that the effect is in your head.  I don’t mind people preferring tweaks, but dissing other peoples’ system and hearings is the stuff of kindergarten playgrounds.
Wow, Bayesian, you say? Wow! You must be one a them probabilistic audiophiles. Heard about em, hardly ever met one. Do you ever listen? Or do you just blow smoke all over the interwebs? 

Took me a good several months in the beginning to learn to listen good enough to reliably evaluate things like CDPs and DACs. At first and for quite some time they all sounded just the same to me. Not only me. Stood right behind a guy one time, he had driven 200 miles to hear this one Proceed DAC. Got a real nice demo. Whatever it was, they sounded absolutely identical to me. Guy says gee hate to tell you but they sound the same to me.  

Would have been real easy at that point for me to be one of you who know only how to mock, deride, and insult. Me I wanted too much to learn how to build a really truly satisfying system to take the easy way out like that.  

Which by the way is exactly what you're doing. Taking the easy way out. Learning to listen critically, developing the skills to properly evaluate what you're hearing, are not at all easy things to do. 

So go ahead, crack your dopey little jokes, make your snide comments, puff your chest out pontificating utterly irrelevant statistical probabilities. Whatever floats your boat. Its your loss. Not mine.