What is the best way to add video processing?

I have a Krell 7.1 HTS and wish to keep for now. I want to add video processing and HDMI switching. I have a Samsung LCD and a Panasonic AE-3000U and wish to run WII, X-Box 360 and DVDs/Blue Rays through a processor to either of the displays (LCD on wall and projector screen comes down from ceiling) and allow sound to come through the Krell. So it has to have 2 outputs. What are my best options? Also, want to keep price as reasonable as possible. The screen is 16:9 so getting rid of the bars would be a plus.
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Showing 1 response by dc2daylight

Check out the DVDO DV50 Pro. They can be had for @1800$ as factory rebuilt units. They list for 3500$ or so. About the best out there without going to the Lumigen which is a couple of thousand more. I got mine through Advanced Lamps. The VP50 may also fit you needs. Under a thousand. You may find other prices by googleing DVDO . Hope this helps!
