What is bias a tube amp ? Is it difficult?

I am looking to purchase a Jolida 1000rc or Jolida 302b moddified and or Cayin 88t. I am new do this game and it will be my first tube amp purchase. How hard is it to Bias the tubes? What does this do? And how often do I need to do it? Also Out of these intergrated amps which will give me the most bang for the buck? I have tyler tylos . Thanks Joe
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Showing 1 response by zepolrotciv

In the back of my mind when I purchased my tube amp, I too, dreaded having to bias my VTL ST-150. But I wanted tubes and like anything else, I knew I'd eventually learn how to.
I had the bias instructions and I bought a decent multimeter at Radio Shack. When it came time to replace the tubes, I called the dealer, CSA in Montclair, NJ. I explained my inexperience and the dealer offered to bias the amp and show me how easy it is.
He was right. I took notes, paid attention and since then I've performed the operation myself. Go ahead, don't let the unknown keep you from experiencing "all" aspects of this hobby.