What does Hi-Fi Even Mean anymore?


Showing 3 responses by edcyn

Hey.  I just like switching on the steereo, sitting in my easy chair, and listening to a few tunes.  In the best audio fidelity I can reasonably muster.
As Mordred proclaims in his song Seven Deadly Virtues in the musical Camelot, "Fidelity is only for your mate!"
I'll riff on what mahgister says just above. Go to a restaurant, supermarket, or any place where people gather and do business. Use your audiophile ears and listen to the waiter/waitress as he/she takes an order. Listen to the interaction between the cashier and customer at the checkout stand. Listen to the shelf stocker as he/she puts cans and bottles on the shelves. Listen to the rattles, squeaks and bangs of the shopping carts as they're maneuvered around the store.  Listen to the various ways people make the "S" sound. Listen to the differences in the timbres of  male and female voices. Listen to a toddler babble and scream. Listen to the imaging.  Listen to the background noise, whether it be muzak, street traffic or an air conditioner. Ah! The Absolute Sound!