What Digital Stylus Force Gauge Do You Like?

I bought a cheap unit, but it has no weight with it, so I am not sure how accurate it is. What digital stylus force gauge do you like? I am sure the Winds gauge is very good, but no way I can spend that kind of money. What reasonably priced gauges do you like?

Showing 6 responses by nsgarch

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The Jennings JS-50X or JS-100X should do the trick at $35 or $50. You have a good TT/cart. and need something with 1/100th of a gram precision. You can spend more if you want to, but you won't get anything really any better for the purpose of VTF setup.
I suggest that Doug send Slow his nickel (or vice versa) so they can both be weighed on the same scale! Nickels also vary at the molecular level, to say nothing of their vintage, amount of wear, etc.

To assume the two gentlemen's nickels are identical is an obvious miscarriage of experimental design. Hmmm. . . .
Slowhand, I already picked out two possibilities for you:

The Jennings JS-50X or JS-100X should do the trick at $35 or $50. I think they come with calibration weights. Double check that, but I'm pretty sure.


Eldartford: Oy! Now it's the VTVG (variable temperature vinyl gremlin) we have to worry about! It can all just make you meshuga!!

Gilda Radner must have been thinking of us when Rosanne Rosannadanna says "It's always something!"

Eldartford, I totally agree with you. But I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to twist the knife a little.

On the other hand, Doug is suggesting there could be a variance of .03 gm which is 1.5% of 2 grams. Is that significant?

Well, if it's due to a real difference between scales, it wouldn't matter, as long as you always use the same scale, along with your ears of course. If it's (only) due to a difference between nickels, then Doug and Slow's scales must be identical -- how wonderful!

Either way, who gives a f . . . . . . .?

Bob is absolutely right IMO, however that hasn't stopped a few manufacturers from offering some really cute little cartridge warming lamps, ha ha!!

I mean, if it's THAT cold in your listening room, you need to stop buying vinyl and start paying your heating bill!

Also, on the serious(?) side, some cartridge manufacturers, notably Transfiguration, are touting a new "space-age" (are we still in the space age?) suspension material that is unaffected by variations in temperature from Pluto to Mercury! So maybe that will be a non-issue eventually.