What constitutes a room?

I have one main room, 33 x 25. It includes the living room, dining room & kitchen with no walls. We like open plans here in California. Does this count as one room for audio purposes?

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

I'm afraid it would. There's still reason to hope so I'd get in touch with someone, like a high end dealer you may be familiar with.

Nothing compares to actually being there to hear just how the sound would work in your space. It sounds like you still have a lot of room to work with.

All the best,
I'd say yes. Depending on your tastes, you can have a wonderful setup with no close side walls, a somewhat distant front wall, and no rear wall to speak of which could lead to a line of sight all the way to the kitchen, giving you a rear hall perspective as you cook. 

I'd love to have that set up.

All the best,