What are fuses used for?

I have, I’m sure to many, a very dumb question. I keep reading about fuses.  I have a fairly sophisticated system and have never come across the need for a fuse.
Can someone tell me where these fuses go and what they’re used for?

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

I'm definitely not about to take work assigned by you, George.

I have no particular interest in fuses, I was merely pointing out that if audiophile fuses do anything at all the effects would be super easy to measure at the fuse itself.

If I was going to sell an expensive gadget that actually did something I'd be jumping at the chance to prove it's efficacy.

Could a fuse make a difference? I doubt it, but there's good ways to tell.

Put an oscilloscope on both ends of a fuse, ideally something with a frequency analyzier. Look at the scope.

When anyone provides visible proof of a fuse in anyway showing a voltage differential in real time between the input and output I'll be interested.

Now, that's not to say you could not do something cool, like have a fuse with a built in ferrite bead or something, which would reduce EMI / RFI. Would it be audible? See above. :)
