What about Meadowlark?

Any opinions and what you compared them to RE: Shearwater or Kestrel.

Showing 1 response by gthirteen

I was thinking Shearwater. I have heard both, however it was 2 years ago, and neither was "hot rodded". I remember a very "organic" sounding midrange, with surprising, but not earthshattering bass. Perhaps the paper cone has a nice sound, but I couldn't hepl but think that this, coupled with what I feel to be a dark treble, really made them sound a bit dark, and slightly colored. THe biggest problem I had with them was the HUGE difference in sound across the vertical axis, as in when you walk into a room, or are standing up, versus sweet spot listening. I think with my cables and preamp they would sound rather nice. Unfortunately, you never know untill you throw down the plastic and get them in your home. ANYBODY COMPARED SHEARWATER TO HR SHEARWATER?????