"Watts" Versus "Current"

Can someone discuss, in layman's terms, the differences here? I've seen some high wattage amps that do not produce much peak current and some low wattage amps that produce a lot of current. Which stat is more important--watts or current--in terms of deciding on a match with speakers? If current is more significant why to we (and manufacturers) talk mostly in watts?

Showing 1 response by newbee

Forgive the intrusion, but I've got a pratical question about the use of the two different amps, i.e. low power high current and high power low current.

When driving a speaker at say 10 watts max (including peaks) and your two amps are, say 200wt, one which has 'high current' and doubles down to 2 ohms, and the other which can only produces say a 50% watt increas at 4 ohms, will you hear a difference because of the difference when you play speakers with a mean impedence curve, or does that only happen when you start to approach the power limits available at any particular frequency/impedence demand?

Just curious.