Washington Post article on MoFi vs. Fremer vs. Esposito

Here's a link to a Washington Post article on the recent dustup with MoFi. The comments section (including posts by Michael Fremer) are interesting.

Disclaimer: This is a "public service announcement, a point Im adding since some forum members complained the last article I referenced here was "paywall protected", I'll note that, for those who are non-subscribers, free access to limited numbers of articles is available by registering (trade-off: The Post will deluge you with subscription offers)


Showing 7 responses by nonoise

How many times does some "scientist" have to come up with an article debunking wine tasters? Are there that many who were wounded by one earlier in their life?

Here's a more relevant article that doesn't demean wine tasters by just another parlor trick. And here's another. Of the thousands of possible genetic combinations for taste and smell, each individual only uses about 300 or so, making everyone as unique as a fingerprint when using those senses.

So yes, absolutely, there are those with talented tongues and noses, and yes, they can taste and appreciate the differences. The rest of us have to learn to taste and smell past what we can't and super concentrate on what we can coupled with the memories of past tastings. 

That's why there are always those outliers who aren't fooled by the parlor tricks yet they're never mentioned, for some strange reason. And, once in a great while, they are, but that doesn't negate their whole body of experience and expertise. Nothing like people falling for the old, "gotcha".

All the best,

What to do, what to do...

Some can start with a lawsuit and hope to make money off of a product they claim to love and hobble the industry, somewhat, in the process. That would put some people out of work and drive up prices in an already competitive market, making what they've hoarded go up in value and sell it off on eBay, making a minor killing, all in the name of...., well, it's not being an audiophile.

All the best,

So that barrel of 100% whale oil that I bought is not 100% whale oil? When I asked they told me that what whale oil in it is 100% whale oil but it was supplemented with a mix of olive, nut, hemp and castor oil. It took that combination of other oils to approximate the burn, look and smell of whale oil so I would not be disappointed. 

It matters not as I was told it was 100% whale oil. I was mislead. I'm contacting my local barrister to file a writ with my local magistrate and get the compensation due me. 

All the best,

So the old process that degrades after so many copies resulting in loss of quality that buyers can hear but is saved by digital means which more accurately maintains the quality of the original is not good enough for those who now want to sue. 

Talk about clinging to the past. 

All the best,

What next? Cuban cigars with a smattering of North Carolina tobacco?
 Jim Davis’s response makes sense to me but some will call it spin.

All the best,